Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Social Structure

Social Structure

Social Structure
Another very important change that marks the beginning of the Early Dynastic Period is the rise of urbanism. Inhabitants of small settlements throughout the country abandoned their homes and moved to larger communities and cities. Several key factors, that could vary from region to region, have influenced this process of urbanisation:
The need for security may have caused people to seek protection within the safety of fortified walls.
It facilitated central control of the population by the state. Some relocations may thus have been forced by the government. The process of urbanisation appears to have started earlier in societies with a stronger hierarchical structure.
Changes in the natural environment. This has apparently been the case at Hierakonpolis, one of the most important cities in late Predynastic Egypt.
Society was evolving beyond its mere agricultural needs and required specialised craftsmen, traders and other skilled personnel. The ruling elite needed these people not only to be close at hand, but also to work and thus live together.
Demographic changes, such as a growth in population, may have caused smaller settlements to extend and merge into one larger community.
Ancient Egyptian symbol of fertility, life and immortality. Also known as an Ansata cross, it is a visual representation of a sandal strap. The lower cross represents the masculine aspect of divinity; the top loop, the feminine.

Akhet - HorizonAkhet - Horizon
Sun disk between two mountains.
An amulet shaped like the akhet represented the daily rebirth of the sun. The lower shape represents the djew, or sacred mountain, later represented by the pylons of solar temples. The akhet was guarded by the Aker, a double headed lion who insured the safe passage of the sun-barque (boat).

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